Roll That Dice!

Greetings, adventurers!

Quite some people have been playing the demo, and I hope everyone is NOT liking the current state of the game - because it's gonna get better. My current focus, apart from finalizing the soundtrack and making the final boss, is adding more random elements to runs: sometimes, you just want to run into something fun.

The current dungeon is quite... rigid, you see. Despite the random generation, enemy and item choice, and different starts you can stumble into - a lot of pre-determined. This many Machinators, that many Parts, X chests Y traps. And that's fine - but a little dice rolling can never hurt, to truly give each run a unique depth!

So this update, a bunch of stuff you *could* have thrown into your lap... though that's not always a good thing. And bugfixes.

Obviously. See you around!


Version 0.2: "Roll That Dice!"

Added: to introduce some pleasant surprises every now and then, more powerful but rare Utilities can be found.
  Deluxe Bell Ringer: get your bell effects even during boss battles
  Deluxe Mapper: has a larger radius, shows Chests, and grants Illuminate
  Deluxe Machinator: instead of 25%, gives a 50% bonus when Weaponizing something
  Deluxe Refiner: for 4 Scrap, choose which type of Drone Part you're getting
Added: to introduce some LESS pleasant surprises, rare enemies with remixed movesets may also be roaming.
  Melt Drive: prepare for Corruption down your throat
  Lava Carrier: it's throwing what now?
  Shattered Engineer: freezes you! The horror!
  Modern Chimera: a taste of Disconnect in the Wasteland
Added: a "Full Version" link button to the title screen
Added: a setting to force keyboard, if it somehow detects a controller
Added: inventory indicator for identified Bells
Added: you can now view the current seed in the menu
Added: you can now switch places with (most!) Lead Engineers
Added: you can now Check boss marker tiles
Added: IMPORTANT! You can now smash the potted plants in the tutorial.
Buffed: going Full Gear now yields more power in general.
Buffed: the Designer now also accepts guns. There wasn't a proper use for them, anyway.
Nerfed: the Flipper, despite being supposed to be strong, was just too much. Only has 1 half-regen now.
Removed: you can no longer retrieve your Bells from a completed Bell Tower (they're now deleted)
Changed: instead of 2 Scrap, the Watchmaker's first offer is now a Standard Core. I often noticed no cores were dropped for a long time. Now, you can always get one, basically for free. Apart from this, the primary use of Scrap is making more parts, so it wasn't a good trade anyway.
Changed: shrunk the Wasteland, as its size always felt a little much
Changed: adjusted some descriptions for inventory Traps
Fixed: crash when exploding multiple bombs at once
Fixed: Max HP being stuck at 40, despite having no Toolbox selected
Fixed: Frozen Engine not showing the right multiplier
Fixed: used Trap Reclaimers not properly showing in Quickslots
Fixed: the Lead Engineer now has a corpse. Please don't verify this yourself.
Fixed: Thieves would steal something and flee, but leave the combat music on
Fixed: possible tutorial sequence break at the end
Fixed: low-health indications having clunky rotation
Fixed: picking up a quest item wouldn't center the popup correctly
Fixed: Forcefields could sometimes appear in walls
Fixed: Blitz Trap would play its sound too early
Fixed: Machinator would still work on already Weaponized items
Fixed: potion preview in Chemist menu would be rather uninformative
Fixed: "Wielder's Curse" not having its downside
Fixed: Local Generators didn't have an indicator of being used
Fixed: Bell of Quivering not working on Bell Ringers
Fixed: at the edge of the screen, the cogwheel UI would move instantly
Fixed: you can no longer give Forcefields status effects.
Fixed: you can no longer destroy Powerfields by Executing them.


Full Gear 76 MB
Jan 04, 2023

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